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How To Protect Your Security Online

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How To Protect Your Security Online

Your data is constantly being exposed on the internet. Browsing the internet leaves you subject to many cyber-security breaches.

In fact, many people face problems on the internet but fail to report them to the appropriate authorities.

There are many people that don’t realize their under a threat by using the internet.

Therefore, it is very important that you maintain your data on the web.

You are subject to all kinds of internet discrepancies that can create identity theft and other issues that require managing your data.

Are you managing your internet browsing, research, and transactions?

Playing games also leaves you subject to internet security breaches too.

Why Managing Your Financial Matters Online Is Important

Many people handle their financial transactions online and are unprotected.

They transfer money, use their passwords, and/or make financial deposits over the internet.

Unfortunately, many hackers will try to recover this information to assume your identity.

A few people get their identity stolen, or they have fraudulent accounts open in their name.

You get a dedicated server that will protect your browser.

Consolidating your internet browser will protect your internet searches along with your financial transactions.

Cyber-Security Terminology Everyone Should Know


A hacker gains unauthorized access to your data on the computer. They can gain your personal or business data. Unfortunately, they can hold your data ransom.

Hackers can even charge you money if you want to recover your data.

Research shows that they can even effect your data speed by 1-3 seconds by slowing down your internet connection.

Cyber Intrusion

A cyber intrusion is also known as a cyber attack. The FBI leads the investigation into cyber attacks.

You can also report a complaint about internet intrusions to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC).

They can take your complaint online, over the phone, or by mail.

Many people fail to report these type of crimes and they’re not properly investigated.


If you receive a fraudulent email from a business that proposes to be a reputable well known business.

They’re actually trying to get you to divulge your personal information like your credit card or social security number.

Some of these emails can contain a virus that will block the functions of your computer.

You can avoid phishing by being cautious of the type of emails that you open up from unknown users.

What Is A Medical Data Breach

Your medical information is very sensitive information. Your medical provider is responsible for keeping this information private.

Your information can’t be released without your permission.

If you want to exchange medical records between providers, you will need to release an authorization form.

Releasing your information without your consent is a violation of the Heath Insurance Portability Protection Act (HIPPA).

A violation of the HIPPA law can occur when your medical information is released over the internet. You can report these violations to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR).

You subject yourself to a cybercrime by using data applications online.

More importantly, if you make them aware of your location, this is information that’s available to everyone.

For example, many social media accounts use your location when you post information on social media.

There are many users that have denied access to their location to avoid a cyber crime.

In fact, some web applications operate on knowing your exact location.

Read their terms and condition to learn more about how your personal information is stored.

Their terms and conditions should be listed visibly on their website and list how your data will be shared.

You can also use VPN services to protect yourself on the internet. You can learn about the Virtual Protection Network by visiting direct providers.

They protect your internet address by making you incognito. You can be in one place but your internet address will show you’re somewhere else in the world.

Your financial transactions can be protected online with managed IT services. 

You get a dedicated server that will protect your browser. Consolidating your internet browser will protect your internet searches along with your financial transactions.

An IT professional can help you access your security threats on the internet. They will make recommendations on what can keep you remain safe.

You may have to pay a small fee for an IT professional to access your business software, but it pays for itself in the long run.

Learn more about internet safety options by visiting online today for more details. 

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About the author

Jane Sheeba

I am Dr. Jane Sheeba (Ph. D), Author and a Digital Content Strategist. I also write at Smart Study Deck, Jane Sheeba and Glam Book Daily. My YouTube Channel. Need help with content for your business? a Contact me!

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