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About the author

Jane Sheeba

I am Dr. Jane Sheeba (Ph. D), Kindle Author, Digital Marketer, and a YouTuber. I also write at Jane Sheeba and Slick Wellness.

Residential And Commercial Paving

By Jane Sheeba

Are you thinking of making your driveway better? If yes, asphalt paving is the right thing for you. There are different materials for paving your entrance, and they all have various advantages. Improving your residential or commercial driveway path will give your property a better overall look. You can do many things to improve the […]

Basic Advice for A Leaking Roof Emergency Situation

By Jane Sheeba

No one would ever wish to be put in a situation of an emergency, let alone a leak in their roof. The most precious item in all of your house, that keeps you safe from elements and harm, is this and when things don’t look so good for it, it’s time to get that fixed […]

A Short Guide in Working with an SEO Agency for Your Business

By Jane Sheeba

In this modern world, you may have noticed that everything seems to be going digital. With the current issues that surround everybody, it makes sense to just stay in our homes and connect online. For some businesses, this seems like a major loss since they need to have physical stores and offices to be visited […]

Digital Marketing for Your Company – Choosing the Right SEO Agency

By Jane Sheeba

A little piece of advice! The world is changing and successful ventures must respect those changes. This is one way to stay ahead of the corporate competitive game. Many top-notch companies are there for a particular reason. For your company to be considered as one, you need more than a world-class service delivery system. People […]

Loud Bass Noise Coming From the Neighbors House

By Jane Sheeba

You’ve just brought your first home, and you love it. You have big plans for what you’re going to do, how you’re going to repaint the bathroom, change the landscaping to build a little herb garden. Maybe you’re a little worried you might need to replace a potentially leaking gutter. Then, just as you’re going […]

Benefits of GetResponse Email Autoresponder

By Jane Sheeba

Marketing in the age of the internet has been a game-changer. From annoying pop-ups and poorly designed web banners through to beautiful landing pages that inspire sign-ups, there has been great advances and changes to how we look at marketing. The Problem With Email Marketing Email marketing as always been the problem child, with multiple […]

How to Optimize an Ecommerce Funnel and Boost Online Sale

By Jane Sheeba

More and more people like to shop from the comfort of their own home. And that is quite a logical choice – they don’t have to get out, there are no crowds and wandering around the shops for hours. The product offering is better and does not depend on the current stock in the store. […]

When You Need to Find a Programmer in No Time

By Jane Sheeba

From time to time due to different kinds of issues companies need to onboard a particular IT specialist as fast as possible. No matter what type of project you have: website development, mobile application development, IoT project – there’s always a possibility you would need new or more people to handle the process. Maybe your […]

How to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest?

By Jane Sheeba

Making money through Pinterest is a genuine possibility; many people are now using Pinterest to grow their affiliate marketing business. Most people don’t know what affiliate marketing means, let us give you a fundamental break down of affiliate marketing and how it works. Affiliate marketing is a method for you to earn money by promoting […]

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